Ho56 hydraulic oil. Brand: Lubriplate: Package Information: Pail: Liquid Volume:The coefficient 100 is assigned to paraffin type oil, an oil little sensitive to changes in temperature. Ho56 hydraulic oil

 Brand: Lubriplate: Package Information: Pail: Liquid Volume:The coefficient 100 is assigned to paraffin type oil, an oil little sensitive to changes in temperatureHo56 hydraulic oil  shopping_cart Cart

Author: KM48123 Created Date: 5/8/2015 10:15:06 AM 1400842H1 - HO56 HYD OIL. • HYDRAUL EXTRA is an all-season product suitable for the most severe applications over the operating temperature range of -35°C to 100°C. Use this oil in machines that require the same lubricant for both their hydraulic and way systems. ISO Grade 46, Hydraulic oil. 057608komatsu Hydraulic Oil HO 46-HM. 0. Ska du skicka en faktura till Hesselberg? Detta kan skickas som EHF-format till vår organisation. Hesselberg Maskin AB. Shell Coolants. As shown in Fig. It contains very effective anti-wear additives combined with shear stable polymers that meet or exceed industry vane, gear, and piston pump manufacturers’ specifications. Panolin. 1 SAE 10W API CD 3 3 3 Powertrain oil TO30 KES 07. is an outstanding street engine, and while the cam specs may look conservative, with the addition of a larger 750-cfm carburetor and an. 841. Container Size:. maximum expected operating temperature, which is influenced by maximum ambient temperature. exit_to_app Sign In / Register. Shipmate. So, it’s a lube and a power transfer device. 700006055- Shipmate Hi-Performance Lower Unit Gear Oil. Detergents in hydraulic fluid. 700264027- Shipmate 4 Stroke SAE 10W-30. Drive Train Fluid Komatsu Powertrain & Micro Clutch Oil SAE 10W SAE 30 Delo TorqForce® SAE 10W SAE 30 SAE 50 KES 07. Product Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet. 1000 in stock. Tractelf BF 12 5. 1 SAE 10W ISO VG46 DIN 51524 Part 2, class HLP 3 3 3 3 Hydraulic oil HO56-HE KES 07. Shell to Supply Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil to Deutsche Bahn for Rail Applications. The hydraulic system is the control center of aircraft, the performance of which is critically dependent on the purity of the oil that flows through it. 90 I have the entire spec in . Rando HD 68. 1. Shipmate. Reliable technology is also used in the mining industry. _ga. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Hydraulic oil SECTION 2. Komatsu Europe - Construction, Mining and Utility EquipmentU. Ideal solution for carrying heat during cold starts. Item - Hydraulic Oils Hydraulic Oil. The oils provide unique, long-life operating service characteristics by a combination of anti. No Minimum Quantity or Order Value. Part number: NS. Gear: Gear pumps are typically the most inefficient. HO 46 is a high quality mineral oil based hydraulic fluid containing a low zinc anti wear stabilized additive system that neutralizes the formation of corrosive materials. The oil is to be filled into a cylindrical container with diameter and height of 0. #9. O'Reilly hydraulic fluid was developed as a general-purpose hydraulic oil that helps hydraulic systems resist rust, corrosion, and oxidation. 700006055- Shipmate Hi-Performance Lower Unit Gear Oil. 0°F. Use this oil in machines that require the same lubricant for both their hydraulic and way systems. Max. 99. 841. 2085 AV HAIG. 7 out of 5 stars 400. The engineering department defines specific performance and durability parameters for Komatsu Genuine lubricants. The O'Reilly fluid lineup is comprised of more than 50 products. I. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) ZF-32 DOWNLOAD. Oli Hidrolik (Hydraulic Oil)Oil Hidrolik Alat Berat dan Oli Mesin Alat Berat. 700005062 Shipmate Hi Performance 80w90. 14 oz. s {cP} 5880 (-30 °C) Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C mm2/s 28. In this cross reference tool, PSC offers Hitachi Super EX 46HN and/or equivalent products of the similar quality and performance. It contains very effective anti-wear additives combined with shear stable polymers that meet or exceed industry vane, gear, and piston pump manufacturers’ specifications. Oli hidrolik merupakan jenis oli yang memiliki klasifikasi dan kekentalan atau viskositas seperti yang dimiliki oli mesin. Hydraulic oil plays a fundamental role in transporting power through a hydraulic system and lubricating system components. However, mineral oil hydraulic fluids should not be mixed with other fluid types (e. NSF Rating Not Rated. 4 yd3. 1. Indus Pro Hydraulic 68* Azolla AF 68* Ultramax Zinc Free 46* Zinc Free Hydraulic 68* Hydraulic ZF 68* Ashless Anti- Wear Hydraulic Oil 68* Hy-Lube Zinc Free 68* Hyplex 68 DTE 26 Hyspin H68 Rando HD 68 Tellus S2 M 68, Tellus S2 MX 68 Renolin B Plus 68 Azolla ZS 68 Ultramax 68 Superdraulic 68 Hydraulic 68 L-HM Anti-Wear Hydraulic Oil. Mobil DTE 24. 化学製品(化学物質を含んだ製品)を安全に取り扱うために、製品に含まれる化学物質、人や環境への影響・有害性・応急処置. SAFETY DATA SHEET 1 . Our “full range” premium quality lubricants help to reduce oil consumption. Extra hydraulic arrangements are available for every boom and arm confi gura-hydraulic systems, final drive cases and swing machinery where SAE 10 or 30 grade oil is specified. Avoid contact with skin. 1% - which is not a low water content target for any high-performance hydraulic system. Shop Over 700,000 Products From Over 2,500 BrandsOne of the main differences between ISO 46 and AW 46 is the price. 1200 1. 868. 0 CD O O ± o o m o o o o o o o o o o m O o CD < CD o o -n O o < o o o o . In this cross reference tool, PSC offers Hitachi Super EX 46HN and/or equivalent products of the similar quality and performance. Shop for Hydraulic Fluids at Tractor Supply Co. Lubriplate HO-0 L0760-060 Heavy Duty Hydraulic Oil, Contains 5 Gallon Pail . Right out of the box, the GM Performance Parts 350 H. The technique is used in construction, housing and communal services, and in the manufacturing sector. hydraulic fluid. 1500 Valley Road Wayne, NJ 07470 Telephone: +1. Tractelf C4 -1000 6. When using CO-OP ® Premium Lubricants, you can reduce maintenance costs and boost reliability. 700265055 Shipmate Hi Vis Gear Oil Lower. MIL_PRF_5606H info directly from the spec. 700006055- Shipmate Hi-Performance Lower Unit Gear Oil. Mobil DTE 26. Lower cost oils can provide up to 35% less which could lead to premature wear of key hydraulic components. The ISO code is expressed as three numbers. 30-45 days for BACK ORDER parts. It exhibits very good anti-wear and corrosion protection properties, outstanding oxidation and thermal stability, small foaming tendency as well as good water separation characteristics. Dextron III/Mercon and Hydraulic-Transmission Fluids #1 Hi, I have a 1994 Komatsu PC400-5 excavator in the western USA, rural area. Shell Tellus Hydraulic and Bearing Lubricant. Shell Fire-Resistant Hydraulic Fluid S3 DU. Premium Hydraulic Oil #73344328 is formulated for excellent foam control and air release to facilitate efficient hydraulic power transfer and minimize cavitation. News & Media Go to: News & Media. 68. Midlands Lubricants supplies Excavator Hydraulic Oils in various ISO Viscosity grades 5,10,15,22,32,46,68,100 and 150 all to the DIN Standard 51524 (HLP). Identification Product identifier Product name HYDRAULIC OIL HO-46 Product number L0771-060, L0771-062 Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use Application Petroleum lubricating oilHP ENKLO 68 is a high-performance anti-wear hydraulic oil 68 developed from deep hydrofinished base stocks and select additives. Hydraulic Oils. Specification - Oil : Hydraulic Oil HLP 68. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND COMPANY Product name: KOMATSU GENUINE HYDRAULIC OIL HO56-HE Product type: Hydraulic oil Supplier: Komatsu Ltd. The product offered by BlueSky Lubricants is a replacement product of similar quality and performance as a premium, anti-wear hydraulic oil. The typical viscosity range for piston pumps is 10 to 160 cSt at operating temperatures. Supplying Industrial Components For Over 75 years. Applications All Komatsu machinesasking for products meeting KES 07. You can always give us a call or text on 07976 790 761 and we will suggest the best Hydraulic oil from our Data base. Lubriplate HO-46 Hydraulic Oil Equivalents. Available Sizes 5 gallon pail ¼ Drum Drum CTN 4/1 gallon jugs Product Highlights. 057608Komatsu Hydraulic Oil HO 46-HM - Free download as PDF File (. BP Petrolleri A. Sinopec L-HV Low Temperature Antiwear Hydraulic Oil is a line of premium quality antiwear lubricants blended. 9 gal. The engineering department defines specific performance and durability parameters for Komatsu Genuine lubricants. _gat _gat_UA-__utma. Features and functions: viscosity: how well the fluid flows in certain temperatures; low temperature fluidity: ease of flow under low temperatures; Hydraulic Fluid Add your vehicle Get an exact fit for your vehicle. CLC is a family owned manufacturer of industrial lubricants, metalworking fluids, and other industrial chemical products. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND COMPANY Product name: KOMATSU GENUINE. Lubriplate HO 46 is or was manufactured by Lubriplate Lubricants. Sign In. The manual says 10wt. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. net. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION GHS classification in accordance with the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910. Take used oil to an authorized collection point. Shell Torcula Oil Cross Reference. 41 gal/min. Full Details. The type of cookie. Mobil DTE 25. JCB hydraulic oil is formulated to provide optimum anti-wear protection. Nuto H54. Get to know the particulate numbers. A review of literature in the area of hydraulic oil contamination reveals three. 0. SKU # 1193697. 00. Emulsified water reduces lubricity and filterability, can cause corrosion and cavitation and reduces the life of the oil. They also lower maintenance cost, improve reliability, productivity, efficiency and extend equipment life. Contact Us Petroleum Service Company 454 S Main St Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703 Phone: 1-855-899-7467 Fax: 570-823-1910 E-mail: [email protected]. 861 Gear Lubricants Komatsu Gear Lubricant SAE 80W-90 SAE 85W-140 Delo Gear EP-5 SAE 80W-90 SAE 85W-140 KES 07. When it say 10 w for hyd in the manual it means a non detergent 10 w. 868. The product offered by BlueSky Lubricants is a replacement product of similar quality and performance as a premium, anti-wear hydraulic oil. Component: 4 Way Valve. net. Look for obvious changes in color, clarity, viscosity and sediment. Tribol HM. Komatsu developed genuine hydraulic oil KOMHYDRO HE to reduce internal leakage of the hydraulic system and increase the system efficiency by increasing the viscosity in the operating temperature range and put it in the market in September 2009. 12). After skin contact, wash immediately with soap and water. Hydraulic Oil. Hesselberg Maskin AB. It contains very effective anti-wear additives combined with shear stable polymers that meet or exceed industry vane, gear, and piston pump manufacturers’ specifications. E xcellent performance of moderate to high pressure hydraulic systems for 6,000 of operating hours even in outdoors and cold regions, or where there is a wide variation in ambient temperature. 841. 3- Very good oxidation stability ensuring a long service life of fluid. Shop today! 3 products in 5 gallons | Hydraulic Oils Size: 5 gallons Oil Weight: AW-46 Mobil Universal Brand: MAG 1 Sort & Filter (1) Size: 5 gallons Clear All MAG 1 5-Gallon Universal Hydraulic Oil Model # MAG1525 Find My Store for pricing and availability 8 MAG 1 5-Gallon Aw-46 Hydraulic Oil Model # MAG1465 Find My Store for pricing and availability Mobil KOMATSU GENUINE HYDRAULIC OIL HO56-HE 1. Available Sizes 5 gallon pail ¼ Drum Drum CTN 4/1 gallon jugs. Share. Purchase options and add-ons . The specifications are usually determined by the weight and viscosity of the oil. SELECT STORE. Full Details. Applicability: Komatsu Construction, Dressta. Hydraulic oil with anti-foaming, anti-corrosion, anti-rust and anti-wear performance. Viscosity Index 68. These problems can be avoided by maintaining water content below 0. pdf no Komatsu Hydraulic Oil HO46-HM. se. same performance as the common hydraulic oil and does not lower the brake performance. 00. Product Description: HYDRAULIC OIL HV 46 is an universal HVI mineral high grade EP oil for use in heavy duty hydraulic systems. 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes)Komatsu's HO56-HE High Temperature Hydraulic oil solve oil degradation. Detergent oils emulsify water and disperse and suspend other contaminants such as varnish and sludge. se. I've always used AW46 in Komatsu excavators. Shovel Handbook En. pdf. environmentally acceptable or fire-resistant fluids). 1500 Valley Road Wayne, NJ 07470 Telephone: +1. Very high stability in the presence of water (resistance to hydrolysis) → protection against corrosion. Applications All Komatsu machines asking for products meeting KES 07. Shell Coolants. Mobil 5-Gallon Universal Hydraulic Oil. 17. Anonymous XbvWbh1b7. Synthetic and mineral oil based fluids for gear reducers, plain and anti-friction bearings and drive and roller chains Automotive Lubricants & Motor Oils Motor assembly grease for engine and transmission break-in and heavy duty/high detergent and non-detergent motor oils. 87 @ 100°C. LUBRIPLATE HO-3, HO-4, HO-5 & HO-6 HD Lubricating Oils are high performance, heavy duty, extreme pressure and. So if you can know, find the tag number for the pump and use that — because if you can get the tag number for that pump and look up a specification sheet, the manufacturer of that pump is going to have guidance for the right. 00. Epost: [email protected]. BlueSky PureBlu Hydraulic Oil 46 is recommended for use in vane, gear and piston pumps operated above 3000 psi. Adress: Takvägen 7, 981 41 Kiruna. 0 products selected. Dealer Sign-In Create or Login. AW 68 Hydraulic Oil - 5 Gallon Pail. Manufacturer.